The taxman’s easy numbers for 2019/20

As the end of the tax year approaches let’s look at some of the nice round numbers that the taxman has kindly given us from April 2019. These should all form part of your strategy going forward to ensure you are not missing out on vital allowances or slipping into higher tax brackets without realising. […]

Independent vs Restricted

The difference between restricted and independent advice is something I have dealt with regularly in my career. As a client, knowing which route is most suitable for you can be a hard decision as you want to ensure that you are getting the best advice for the money you are paying. The FCA describes “restricted […]

Retirement Planning: Should I stay or should I go?

The question we have all asked ourselves at one time or another and one The Clash immortalised in a song which went on to be used in a classic early 90’s jeans advert. Should you stay where you are or go elsewhere is something the FCA has been reviewing when it comes to your pension […]

Should I give up my bonus this year?

If you receive a bonus payment as part of your income then, according to the Office of National Statistics, this made up 6.2% of your total annual pay in 2016/17, on average. As well as this: “In the single month of March 2017, bonuses as a percentage of total pay reached 15.9%, the third highest […]

“Income only” misses the point when it comes to generating income

What is the best way to invest your funds, when you are targeting “income”? Conventionally many investors would pick assets that provide a good income (yield) but it could be equally valid to pick assets that increase in value (growth) and take some of the profits as you go. With new pension freedoms, the way […]