Financial Planning

Helping you to understand and plan for your financial future

Financial Planning Services

We help you to identify and prioritise your long-term objectives, that will take up your time and money throughout your lifetime. We empower you to make informed decisions about your money that will help achieve these goals.

How Wingate can help you with your financial goals

We work with you to create a plan which enables you to achieve financial independence. We then review and maintain this plan to provide you with peace of mind that you have enough resources, and are “on track”.

How much is enough?

We use sophisticated cash flow planning software to model your lifetime income and financial resources. This helps us to make appropriate recommendations that maximise your chances of living the life you want to, without the worries that you could run out of money.

What recommendations will you make?

We help you to make use of your available tax allowances, invest in an efficient manner that seeks to maximise long-term potential returns, whilst keeping control of fluctuations in your investments; all with reference to your objectives and plan.

Our Approach

How we develop, implement and manage a financial plan to help you achieve your lifetime goals!

We Listen

We help you to clearly define your most important goals.

We Enlighten

We demonstrate the chances of achieving your life dreams.

We Plan

We identify priorities and recommend actions

We Take Action

We take responsibility to ensure your plan is implemented.

We Review

We regularly respond to changes to keep you on track

Are you ready to make informed decisions about your money?